Mondays are often considered "dreary" days. We sleep a little later on Sunday (and a lot later on Saturdays), we stay up a little later, we don't have to prepare for school or work on the weekends. But Monday is a return to "normal," meaning early rising, hustling children out the door, and all the myriad routine of the day. "Rainy Days and Mondays" get a lot of people down.

But why should today be that day? 

Today is the first day of the week. It is a chance, early on, to affect the people who know you in a way that will benefit them and make their week (and your week) a better week. This is your chance to "start the week in joy" and to share that joy with others. 

Do not let "everyday" be everyday, on every day. Make some days special. Start your week with something special.

This week we get started. It is a big week for me, as your teacher, because I have never taught a class like this. I have worked on these materials for several years and have presented them to various people for their ideas, but, ultimately, this is about you. We will see what happens when we all get started, but it is a very big deal for all of us. 

How many men, asked today, would say that their marriage has "worked out" in anything like the way they planned it? 

How many women, asked today, would say that their marriage has "worked out" in anything like the way they planned it?

How many would say "well, we're just stuck here"? 

You have a chance to change the answers to everything.